Consultancy and Strategy. Your Facts, Figures, Performance.
When you work on 1000's of cases per month in every Practice Area for Chambers and Barristers throughout England & Wales you understand what works & what doesn't.
And so at FMC we understand the systems, procedures and issues that impact on revenue and the Chambers brand.
It's a crowded legal market so the principles & guidance need to be in place to provide Chambers with the revenue for future investment.
An FMC Consultancy and Strategy Reports immediate relevance is to
Current Receipts
Internal Housekeeping & Future Clerking Procedures
Case Movement & Payment
Income Streams & Credit Control Cycles
At Risk Cases
Losses Per Annum
Bar Standard Audits
Future Legal Collection and correlation to your Terms
And so at FMC we understand the systems, procedures and issues that impact on revenue and the Chambers brand.
It's a crowded legal market so the principles & guidance need to be in place to provide Chambers with the revenue for future investment.
An FMC Consultancy and Strategy Reports immediate relevance is to
Current Receipts
Internal Housekeeping & Future Clerking Procedures
Case Movement & Payment
Income Streams & Credit Control Cycles
At Risk Cases
Losses Per Annum
Bar Standard Audits
Future Legal Collection and correlation to your Terms
Understanding what's wrong is a prerequisite to putting it right
FMC have more experience with the constant changes to legal procedures, software migration, staff movement and mergers issues than any other company working at the Bar.
Whether you are a client or not, we can offer a full Consultancy Package that will locate, map, explain and offer a solution on every & any aspect impacting on Chambers Income; from the case creation to the final payment.
Whether you are a client or not, we can offer a full Consultancy Package that will locate, map, explain and offer a solution on every & any aspect impacting on Chambers Income; from the case creation to the final payment.